Do these 3 things when you feel powerless —

Penny Leong
2 min readAug 8, 2023



A recent coaching conversation with a business associate spurred me to reflect on the state of powerlessness many of us occasionally experience. An experienced professor, she felt suffocated and under-appreciated at her workplace, having fallen under the shadow of a complacent superior. Despite her desire to remain at the university, she felt powerless to alter her circumstances. Disappointed and betrayed by her superior and confronted by student complaints, she was contemplating leaving, even after a seven-year working relationship with her boss. This state of stress and powerlessness left her emotionally distraught and uncertain about the next best course of action.

Can you recall a moment in your life or career when you felt similarly powerless? When you felt like no one understood your situation, and you were cornered with no escape? At such times, it’s easy to feel helpless. But is this the whole truth?

Step 1: Change the Seat — From Passenger to Driver of Your Situation

Remember, you have the power to take control. When feeling powerless, it can seem like you are merely a passenger on a journey where someone else is at the wheel. Changing this perspective is crucial. You have to shift your seat from being a passenger to the driver. In doing so, you regain control and can navigate your way out of the situation.

Step 2: Embrace the Power of Choice

Next, switch on the mindset that there are always choices. In life and career, you have more control than you might believe. Recognising this power of choice is an essential step towards regaining control. Even in the most challenging situations, there are always options.

Step 3: Question, Strategize, and Evaluate

Start by asking yourself a series of questions to clarify the situation. Writing your thoughts can help make things clear and tangible. So, list all possible choices, no matter how unfeasible they seem. Then, critically analyze the trade-offs of each option. Which choices align with your values, long-term goals, and immediate needs? Which ones don’t? Remember, the optimal decision is the one that you feel comfortable with at the moment.

YOU ARE IMPORTANT. Remember that.

If you find yourself at a juncture where you feel powerless, remember these three steps. They will enable you to regain control, appreciate the power of choice, and strategically evaluate your options. It’s important to remember that feeling powerless is a state of mind, not a permanent condition. By adopting these steps, you can regain your power and navigate towards a solution that best suits you.



Penny Leong

I enjoy enriching and inspiring people lives by turning knowledge into practical wisdom. I am currently researching about self-leadership.