The Strategic Meeting Blueprint for New Managers

Penny Leong
2 min readNov 10, 2023
How do you prepare for effective meeting?

For new managers, mastering the intricacies of meeting management is essential. A well-executed meeting reflects leadership acumen and fosters a culture of efficiency and respect. Here’s a guide to navigate the pre, during, and post-phases of a strategic meeting.

Preparation: The Foundation of a Successful Meeting

  1. Identify Objectives:
    Clearly define what you intend to achieve. Your objectives should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
  2. Set the Agenda:
    Craft an agenda that aligns with your objectives. It should be circulated in advance to allow attendees to prepare effectively.
  3. Role Assignment:
    Determine who will chair and facilitate the meeting. Assign someone to document action items and key points as minutes.
  4. Logistics:
    Ensure the meeting space is conducive to the meeting type. For virtual meetings, check technology platforms for functionality.
  5. Communicate Expectations:
    Let participants know the meeting type, its purpose, and what is expected from them in terms of preparation and participation.

During the Meeting: Orchestrating Productivity

  1. Start with Purpose:
    Begin by reiterating the meeting’s objectives and agenda. It sets the tone and keeps the meeting anchored to its purpose.
  2. Keep Time:
    Respect the schedule. Starting and ending on time sets a precedent for efficiency and respect for everyone’s time.
  3. Facilitate Engagement:
    Encourage participation and manage contributions to ensure that the discussion remains inclusive and on-topic.
  4. Stay Adaptive:
    Be prepared to steer the conversation back to the agenda if it strays, but also be flexible enough to explore valuable detours.
  5. Summarize Progress:
    Regularly summarize points of agreement, decisions made, and action items to maintain clarity for all participants.

Post-Meeting: Cementing the Outcome

  1. Distribute Minutes:
    Share a summary of the meeting with attendees promptly while the discussions are still fresh in their minds.
  2. Follow Up:
    Establish a mechanism for follow-up on action items and decisions to maintain momentum post-meeting.
  3. Seek Feedback:
    Gather feedback on the meeting’s effectiveness to learn and improve the process continuously.
  4. Reflect and Adapt:
    Personal reflection on what worked well and what could be improved for future meetings is invaluable for continuous development.

Concluding Thoughts

As a new manager, the ability to conduct strategic meetings is pivotal. In your preparation, focus on clear objectives and comprehensive planning. During the meeting, maintain purposeful facilitation and active engagement. Afterward, ensure follow-through and reflection. Meetings are not just a procedural necessity; they are opportunities to demonstrate leadership, foster teamwork, and drive results. With thoughtful strategy at each stage, your meetings can become powerful conduits for organizational progress and team empowerment.

Every meeting is a new learning. Enjoy meeting, enjoy learning :)



Penny Leong

I enjoy enriching and inspiring people lives by turning knowledge into practical wisdom. I am currently researching about self-leadership.